Friday, June 29, 2018

Uncatagorized work not belonging to a series 2018

 Uncategorized work not belonging to a series 2018 - Studio experimental pieces 
(please click image for a larger view)

Seraphim of the Outpouring - (very large paper work on surface of reassembled antique German Catechism  - gouaches,oil washes ).

He broke free from Official Reality by casting off Cultural hand-me-downs ( reconstructed paper/gouaches).

All of his seemingly Re-incarnational lives are  simultaneous, as are Yours! (19x48" reconstructed paper/gouaches).

She thought she believed in the conventional idea of Reincarnation until she beheld the power of The Present ! (21x30 reconstructed paper/gouaches).

Sailors (on Vintage Nautical Chart - gouaches/washes) .

Her Belief in Peace kept Empires Burning from destroying her Dream of Beauty.


In her final performance of the opera "Orfeo" she at last broke free into New-Wave !

When She was finished, it was over -