Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Turning of the Page...

Message of The Grail Bearer: There is nothing under the Heavens that does not blaze with Love.
(mixed media/Arches Paper 2024)

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Suddenly, Everything - all works goauche/oil pastel/Arches paper 2024

 Suddenly, Everything...

 Sea Dreamer's Sea Stories

How Green (was) My Valley?.



Climber & the Ever-Changing Vista... (I still haven't found what I'm looking for)


Sunday, February 4, 2024

Ozymandias & Other Large Works on Paper

 Ozymandias - A very large work on paper (approx 5x7ft.)


                                                                         a size reference pic. 

Here is P.B. Shelley's poem:
I met a traveler from an antique land,
Who said—“Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. . . . Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed;
And on the pedestal, these words appear:
My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings;
Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away."

You may take everything away from me, but you will never capture my soul..
- (approx: 39x76 in.).

Friday, January 26, 2024

My Myths (not theirs)

 All works on paper - click image for larger view

The Birth of Mercury

Narcissus & how he became St. Narcissus

The Birth of Venus or, She unfolded in Simultaneity

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Two works a long time evolving in development

I began this large oil painting (4x5 ft.) in 2011 and could never quite complete it. Every so often I would take it from its storage space and review it. Sometimes I would make sketches and jot down ideas, but never resume. Finally in January 2024 I resumed working on it and finished...13 years later.

Arrival at the Font of Wisdom.

I produced this large work on paper during my sabbatical in North Carolina, summer of 2022. I very much liked it in its initial stages but knew that I had yet to bring it to completion, so I set it aside. I did have an original sketch but could never bring myself to add the figure of the soul flying upward into the sky-scape. In January of 2024 I finished it.

Miracle by the Sea (mixed media on Arches paper)

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Portraits from Elsewhere 2023

 all work - mixed media/Arches paper


A wave unfolds the Seer's scrolls... haoled by sea and sky.
She invites my touch...if I promise not to change her..

How she found herself.


 Woodsman - (on maple veneer)

Her epiphany at Owl & Pussycat Lake

Her Outpouring at Comet Falls 

Her Inpouring at the Source

Friday, December 1, 2023

2023 pieces - songs, reflections, and memories

 "People ask me how I've changed. I say, "It is a singular road & the lavender has stained my skin and me strange."
(mixed media/paper/2023/inspired by Nick Cave's song "Lavender Fields")



"If I ever lose my faith in you, there'd be nothing left to lose."
(mixed media/paper/2023.) - Inspired by the song from Sting.).


"Here he is again, the Man with the Child in his eyes..."

( inspired by a song from Kate Bush...)

Monday, October 30, 2023

Dispensations of Destiny 2023


Large Paper Works/ Mixed Media/ 2023


 The Ceremony - What We Were & Shall Be  - (3ft. 6 x 6ft. 4)

The Passionate Oracle



What he will be


What she will be

Say Goodbye to all that....


Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Instances of Limitless Potential to Signify - 2023

Instances of Limitless Potential to Signify -

2023 (mixed media on paper)

click image for larger view.



Empathy Bridge (Diptych)


Calling forth the δαίμων

In a moment of inner clarity she recalled the source of her strength.

This is the second work of this series in which I have used the a symbol of hope and strength. She has an extra wing here and has stepped out of her boat....The Woman in foreground is in touch with her own feelings of power and Hope....


When the sleeping giant is 'roused..many uncanny occurrences manifest.

This piece is about primal energies welling up and bursting out of pent up the volcano. The uncanny occurrences are caused by attempts, both distorted and clarified, as we interpret and deal with the unsettling effects of transformation on our lives. The fallen statue in ruins, the Janus-headed figure, the weird little lion and turtle, all represent unexpected manifestations.

Icarus Re-interpreted.
In the myth Icarus was punished for his ambition by flying too close to the sun. But are not man's ambitions, curiosity, and natural inclinations, also the source of his more altruistic and inspired impulses? In my re-interpretation the big white feather represents one of Icarus' more noble aspirations and has saved him from from being dashed to the earth...instead he lands on his own two feet, unscathed.


She surrendered her fears to the great unknown with but one hope...that her beauty was also her strength.

Ophelia remembered.

 “Even truth can be deceptive, whatever its appearance.”
Karl Jaspers

 Nature Boy and Birth of the Imagination...



Thursday, July 27, 2023

Lifting The Veil – color works & Assemblages 2023 –


Unseen but not Forgotten - assemblage - mixed media/paper


Love took them Deeper - assemblage - mixed media/paper



The Arrival - assemblage - mixed media/paper

Leda's Lost Egg  - assemblage - mixed media/paper



 Ritual to dispel Chaos - assemblage - mixed media/paper.


     The Wordless Conversation      (mixed media triptych on wood panels).

How they found themselves and each other .   (mixed media triptych on wood panels).


Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Lifting the Veil series - black/white and gold series - 2023



 Always more than the eyes see..

mixed media/Arches paper 

Tugging at the dimensional threads.


Friday, July 14, 2023

Rescued by Green Man

 Rescued by Green Man  oil/wood panel 16x20 in. 

Summer 2023 .


Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Within Worlds - paintings 2023

 all works oil on canvas or wood panel - click image for larger view



In the Temple of The Heart  



Approaching the Cathedral of The Heart 


 Invitation to step outside the box....



Unfathomable Assistance



