Friday, November 18, 2022

Messengers & Messages 2023

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Others bewildered by his left-handed & backwards outpouring of the sacred libation, could not see the message spilling from the splitting sky -or- The Seer.

His dream uncovered a target wholly missed.
His ancestors mute before the huge curtain of midnight. A creature of enigmas poured out a bowl of doubts. Leaving him awake, at last, with the cherry on the cake.

    Dreamboat Adrift


Let it go...



Evoking the Ancestors




Sunday, November 6, 2022

Half Remembered stories half forgotten tales...

Gertrude Stein meets the Venus of Willendorf at Night of the Iguana -or- Her subconscious told her she was safe  



We all have a past the present must contain...

When in doubt...make an offering to the Gods !

  What she brought with her



                                    Let it be as though unspoken...



Her vow ...let it be as though unspoken.


Message of the Octopus