Thursday, October 29, 2020

Paintings from The Planes Of Actuality

Paintings from The Planes Of Actuality - oil/canvas

(click image for larger view - red dot .  indicates unavailable/sold)

                                       Breakthrough  oil/canvas 3 ft. x 4 ft.  .

                            Deliverance  oil/canvas 2 ft. 6 in. x 4 ft.  .

                                                 The Source - oil/canvas 3 ft. x 4 ft. .






Thursday, October 1, 2020

Footnotes on The Classifications of Thought 2020

Footnotes on The Classifications of Thought 

large paper work/mixed media

Ohm's Law of Life, or, Resistance in Black & White.



Sunday, September 6, 2020

Magnificent Events (2020)

all pieces mixed media/Arches opaoper


  Friends in disguise...every day a birthday,or, Conversations with Ganesh..


 Conversations with the Inner-Self .

 Facing the Dance of Your Fears,
or, The Reckoning of Omniphobic Fallacies


Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Visits to The Universe of The Mind

(click image for larger view_

All work gouaches,inks,Arches paper

Commitment to Expectations Reveals Manifestations

By looking where nothing seems to be you will find much, or visitation from the spirit of Inspiration

 An Arrival & A Dispensation -  or Energy once released cannot be called back. 


Joy is the Muscle of Action

Nature's duality 5 Senses shows, the delights of the eye,the smell of the rose - the taste of honey, the sting of the bee - the song of the birds as they sing in the trees. Yet the Inner-Senses All that disperses, to reveal Unseen Universes.

The feeling-tone of Nature Knowledge experienced through Direct Cognition.

Friday, March 20, 2020

The Four Cures - 2020

 Moved to somehow express anxieties and possibly explain to myself the emotions
stirred up by the Corona Virus situation, I approached the studio. Perhaps at first simply to release energy like some people might go running, punch a punching-bag, scream, meditate or whatever. My initial effort quickly changed as I found myself feeling quite focused and simply drawing whatever came to me automatically. Then I took a little nap and during it, or right upon awakening I somehow conceptually knew, or saw in my mind's eye, the four pieces and their title "The Four Cures". Over a period of two weeks I diligently worked on this group, but still with the automatic abandon of allowing the pieces to suggest their forms without my intellect being too strict. Sometimes this process surprised even me. I believe they are an attempt to use the ancient concept of the Four-Elements as a framework to exemplify the Natural connectivity of all living and organic and inorganic matter. We are all in relationship with these forces and our association with them can and does reflect our states of dis-ease and/or well-being. Perhaps the images offered will help to calm thoughts of anxiety. The figures themselves, all seem to be Life-affirming and benevolent, if not somewhat Otherworldy. Physics has opened up all manner of new and transformative insights into the nature of the unseen and unknown Universes, the worlds of probabilities, parallel universes, and the worn out and thoroughly  limiting illusory concepts of Time and Space. Perhaps the more we travel inward, the more we will approach new frontiers which may balance us out, and redefine our connection to each other and the worlds we share.

*(all pieces 3'x4'- Arches paper/gouaches/wax resist/oil pastels/inks)
  Click individual images for larger view  

Earth Cure

Air Cure

Fire Cure

Water Cure

The fifth Element Cure